Contact iCommunicare

iCommunicare, LLC is conveniently located in the triangle of NC, on the border of Chapel Hill and Durham, and is accessible by car, plane, and train. Lodging is available in nearby hotels, with extended stay options.

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Professional Referrals

​Rehabilitation specialists, neurologists, neuropsychologists, mental health professionals, and primary care physicians are welcome to contact iCommunicare with questions, referrals, or to request on site in-service or education. RCAP is intended to supplement traditional speech language therapy and recommends clients resume individual sessions with primary clinician upon program completion.

iCommunicare, LLC has been created to add another option for aphasia rehabilitation in North Carolina. We are fortunate to be among leading medical centers and universities that conduct stroke research. Multiple inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation facilities provide opportunities for traditional therapy services and the Triangle Aphasia Project offers numerous aphasia groups throughout the state. iCommunicare developed RCAP to enhance a client's potential for recovery in the setting of an intensive program.

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